Pile Cutting Garden Island

Georgiou Brady Joint Venture required our team to cut 2 metres of the steel piles for preparation of a new peir at Garden Island. The existing 600mm by 16mm thick steel piles were cut using a Hicycle Wiresaw installed with a Steel Cutting Wire in order to effectively make the required cuts with very little noise and debris.

This project saw two of our Diacore expert wire saw operators carry out the pile cutting process by completing approximately 10 cut piles per day.

Diacore is a Sydney-based business offering highly specialised concrete cutting, concrete sawing and core drilling services throughout Australia and the Asia Pacific region. We operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to ensure that our projects are completed to the highest quality standards and with a commitment to safe work practices.

For more than 50 years, our business has been successfully involved in some of the most complex and logistically demanding concrete cutting projects undertaken in our region. At Diacore we have the expertise to complete unusual and difficult projects within a controlled environment and against specific constraints, including time, access, engineering and location.

Get a FREE CONSULTATION & QUOTE today, call (02) 9905 8188 and speak to our estimating team.

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