Bridge Widening Castlereagh Rd PenrithCore Drilling

The construction of a new rail bridge was necessary due to the widening of Castlereagh Road in Penrith NSW. The bridge was built 100m from the final site and will be moved into place over the Christmas break 2019, by McConnell Dowel. CR Rail will then install Rails and Delkor Eggs, required as supports for the rail line.

In order to anchor the Delkor Eggs into the surface, over 1000 holes of 38mm in diameter and 200mm deep were required. Diacore was contracted for this concrete core drilling project and we were given a 2-day timetable to complete the works. We used multi-head and single drill rigs to accurately and efficiently create the holes ready for the installation by CR Rail.

These kinds of projects require precision in execution and planning due to their tight timeframe and the large amounts of labour required. At Diacore we are able to supply skilled and specialised labour for concrete drilling and concrete cutting projects, which require complex engineering solutions, precise time management and adherence to legislative and compliance requirements.

Diacore Pty Ltd is a Sydney-based business offering highly specialised concrete cutting, concrete sawing and core drilling services throughout Australia and the Asia Pacific region. We operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to ensure that our projects are completed to the highest quality standards and with a commitment to safe work practices.

For more than 50 years, our business has been successfully involved in some of the most complex and logistically demanding concrete cutting projects undertaken in our region. At Diacore we have the expertise to complete unusual and difficult projects within a controlled environment and against specific constraints, including time, access, engineering and location.

Get a FREE CONSULTATION & QUOTE today, call (02) 9905 8188 and speak to our estimating team.

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